Saturday, September 27, 2008

Days at the Park

We've been spending our days at the many parks in Burbank... here are a few recent pics!
Miss B, our monkey

Ammo, who has recently discovered the joy of slides

This kid has become a serious dirt magnet. If his face isn't properly smudged, it's a sure sign that it's been a rather dull day.

Fun with friends!

No longer neighbors, but still great friends!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Bubble

My allergist at KU Med said that if you put an allergic person in a bubble, she can go about life like everyone else. So am I actually going to wear this thing? Well, if that's what I have to do in order to go outside my home, yes. You may laugh now, but just think: this mask, coupled with the decade-long shelf life of my "special" food, puts me in very good shape if we're ever nuked! Maybe some of you should consider investing in a nifty pink mask...

Look Who's Mobile!

6 months old and he's on the move! This kid is as strong as an ox (he pulled over the ironing board a week ago) and NEVER STOPS!!! He tries to feed himself with a spoon, holds his own bottle, and sits up to play. YIKES!!