Friday, September 28, 2007

A Night on the (Small) Town

Tonight we joined another family from church to watch the high school Homecoming Parade. Now to call it a parade might be a bit of a stretch--though technically I think that's what it was. The kids had a great time watching the two bands, the strutting athletes, the cars carrying nervous, dolled-up court nominees. I'm sure Miss B was envisioning the day when she, too, might ride in one of those cars, and Nae-Nae the day he might strut down the middle of the street like those supercool 15 year olds. Afterwards we went to Braum's for dinner and ice cream.

For those who care to keep up with such things, here's the bulging belly update. Looks like the insurance situation is getting cleared up, so hopefully we'll get in for an appointment and be posting an ultrasound of the little kickboxer soon. Notice that in this picture I'm standing in front of a Chocolate Cafe. I didn't even walk inside. Honest. I've never practiced such self-control in my entire pregnant life. For my efforts I promptly rewarded myself with a shake at Braum's.

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